"North Dakota's Prairie Past"

Who we are - Bonanzaville, USA:
The Cass County, North Dakota, Historical Society (CCHS) was organized in 1954 and became a 501(C)(3) non-profit corporation in 1955. Later that year, the Pioneer Daughters donated the contents of their historic museum housed in the basement of Menard Hall at NDSU (then NDAC) to the Society. The name refers to the large Bonanza farms that once existed in the Red River Valley. It wasn't until 1972 that a building to house a permanent museum was constructed. Artifacts were then moved from Menard Hall to the new museum. Our collection now numbers over 400,000 items that are in either our permanent collection or our educational collection.
Bonanzaville is North Dakota's must-see historic attraction.​

What is - Bonanzaville, USA:
Our Mission:​
Bonanzaville, USA, where we are dedicated to the Education, Enlightenment and Enrichment of the lives of our guests through the use of History; by preserving, sharing and connecting the past with the present.
Our Vision:
A place of interactive unique experiences that inspires people of all ages to learn about early pioneers, their descendants and their impact; a place called Bonanzaville, USA.

When we began - Bonanzaville, USA:
The Red River Valley Fair donated land to the Society and In 1967, the CCHS began collecting buildings from around the county, and moving them to their new location now called Bonanzaville, USA. It wasn't until 1972 that a building to house a permanent museum was constructed. Artifacts were then moved from Menard Hall to the new museum.

Where are we - Bonanzaville, USA:
Bonanzaville, USA is located in Cass County just outside of West Fargo at 1351 Main Ave West ~ West Fargo, ND 58078, We offer tours, special events, and programming year round on 12 acres. Over the years, CCHS has accumulated 36 buildings, many with Historical significance or containing Period Artifacts, while others house the Eugene Dahl Car Museum, the Eagles Air Museum, the Moen Tractor Museum, Spud Valley Model Railroad Club, Pioneer Telephone Museum and the Law Enforcement Museum.
Bonanzaville, USA where North Dakota Nice is part of our History.

Why are we here - Bonanzaville, USA:
To support the community though education and example. With educational, civic, patriotic, and entertaining programs and demonstrations. A place for the community and others outside the area to be educated and enlightened about the diverse history of the area.
To focus on the Safety and Security of our visitors, clients, volunteers and staff.
To embrace change as change is essential to growth.
To care about our volunteers and staff; where we are committed to finding and developing great people.

Our Board of Directors:
The Cass County, North Dakota, Historical Society – Bonanzaville, USA, is governed by a Board of Directors and managed by an Executive Director. An updated strategic planning guide, a five year business plan and implemented yearly audits. The current board, future boards and our community will be challenged to find the funds and means to maintain and repair many aging buildings that have been neglected for years. Several may be lost, but the majority with proper care will survive so future generations can experience a bit of the past. Hopefully, our community will be up to the challenge.
“As leadership traits go, courage is the big one. It comes from facing and overcoming fear. And the reward for that effort couldn't be bigger.”
Steve Tobak, columnist
The Board of Directors is chosen by members, from among the membership, at the annual meeting in April. They serve three-year terms. The Board of Directors meet the third Wednesday of each month.
Bonanzaville, USA will hold its Board, its employees and volunteers to the highest standards of conduct. We will be Politically Neutral, Civic Minded, and Ethically Sound in our presentation of the history of our area.
Click to see the: Monthly Meeting Dates
Brian Gaffre
Brent Haugen
Brock Tallakson
Dan Suckert
- John L Creese
Angela Smith
Matt Oye
Bill Erickson
David Groven
Kent Lindemann
Mike Nobis
Nicole Rygh​​

​Current Staff Members and Associates:
Beth Jansen, Executive Director
Charlotte Stoddard , Curator
Meg Solberg, Special Events & Wedding Coordinator
Tyler Hasse - Maintenance Manager
Luke Jordahl-Collections Assistant
Brad Stedman, CPA